Early in the year, you tend to hear a lot about the importance of setting goalsSomeone will remind you that if you want to succeed, you must set your goals. Otherwise, you’ll lack focus, and you’ll be moving forward aimlessly. Not only does goal setting provide you with a direction, but it also gives you benchmarks along the way so you know whether you are succeeding. 

If you are going to achieve your goals, however, you need to follow a few steps and rules to make it happen. Once they are in place, all it takes is some hard work from you to accomplish them. Make 2020 your best year ever by following these golden rules of goal setting:  

Set SMART goals 

By now, you’ve probably heard of SMART goals. In case you aren’t familiar with them, here’s what the acronym stands for: 

  • Specific: your goal should be clearly defined 
  • Measurable: attach precise amounts, dates, etc. so you can measure your progress 
  • Attainable: make sure it’s possible to accomplish the goals you set 
  • Relevant: goals must be relevant to the direction you want to take 
  • Timeboundyou must set a deadline for every goal 

Put your goals in writing 

Writing down your goals gives you a tangible reminder of what you want to accomplish. For instance, writing down “I will lose 15 pounds in six months by cutting out all alcohol, eating five fruits and vegetables each day, and exercising for 45 minutes, three days a week” is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timebound. 

You can employ the same method with career goals or anything else you hope to accomplish in 2020 and beyond. 

Create an action plan 

This step is important in the process. It’s easy to focus on the outcome and forget the steps you need to take to get there. If you write out each step, you can check them off after you complete each one. Doing this gives you a sense of accomplishment and progress toward the ultimate goal. 

Be persistent 

Setting goals goes well beyond wishing for something to happen. It’s a continuing activity with built-in reminders to keep you on track. As such, you must take time to review your goals along the way, making sure that their relevance remains high. In other words, stick with it and you’ll end up where you want to be! 

Is your goal a new job in 2020? 

We can help you with that! The Resource has been helping job seekers to find employment for 40 years. Our experts will assist you in finding the perfect position quickly. That’s why we’re one of the top employment agencies in North Carolina. 

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